Sunday, October 18, 2009

Silly Girl!!!

Brooke has given us a lot of laughs:) She is saying some of the funniest things and also does some funny things. She is such a little busy body but we are enjoying it. She has been such a great big sis and loves that Brayden is starting to smile. She is working on her ABCs, counting and colors and is doing a pretty good job. Here are a few pictures of what she has been up to lately. When I nurse Brayden she can get in a lot of trouble in that little amount of time:)

Brooke puts on her own makeup:)
Playing in the snow!! Got very mad when she could not walk in it very well.

Our new puppy joined her!!

Grandma Joni's sunglasses

Jumping off the couch.

Brayden 1 Month

Brayden is already a month old:( Oh my where has the time gone. Here are a few pictures of him at about a month. He is a happy baby and is starting to smile and coo. Brooke is still a really good big sister and is such a big help for mommy. It is still hard to believe that we have 2 kids but we are loving every minute and are trying to soak it all in. If you are around our way come by and visit:) Now that we are almost to 2 months i will post those pictures soon. Hope you enjoy!!!

Chilling on the floor!!
Brooke trying to feed him with her play spoon:)

Bath time was not his favorite thing but is starting to enjoy.

No clothes:)